The shark vacuums come with a brush roll that enables them to efficiently clean thick carpets. With the shark vacuum brush roll indicator light not on, one cannot know whether the brush is working or not.
If you own one of the shark vacuums then you probably already know what a green or red light on the brush roll indicator means, don’t you? But what if there’s no light at all? Could it be a problem with the vacuum itself or the brush roll? How can one solve the issue?
Well, let us find out!
What Is the Shark Vacuum Brush Roll Indicator Light?
The Shark vacuum brush roll indicator light is a light that is on the front of the vacuum cleaner. The light tells you if your brush roll is jammed or not working properly. If the light is blinking, then your brush roll needs to be cleaned or replaced. If the light is on, then your brush roll is working properly and there should be no problem with it.
The Shark vacuum brush roll indicator light is a warning to the user that the Shark vacuum brush roll has become clogged and will not turn. This light should be checked every time the vacuum cleaner is turned off and left for a period of time. Clogging can happen when any type of debris is sucked in by the vacuum and comes in contact with the rotary brush, such as pet hair, dust, and even pieces of food.
Why Is Your Shark Vacuum Brush Roll Indicator Light Not On?
Your shark vacuum brush roll indicator might not be working due to one or all of the following reasons.
For starters, if you haven’t correctly turned your vacuum on then the indicator light might not work. Well turning on the vacuum should be a no-brainer, right? We all have those little lapses in concentration that might make one think they did something correctly while they didn’t.
The vacuum has two cleaning modes; the suction and brush roll modes, all with their relevant switches. In order to use the brush mode, you have to ensure the switch is in the correct mode. If not then you won’t see the indicator light.
A loosely attached nozzle could also be a possible explanation for your brush light indicator not working. This is because it won’t capably deliver power to the brush roll.
At times, the clogging of the vacuum brush roll will cause your brush roll indicator not to work. Also, it could be because the brush roll’s driving belt is spoilt. Overheating of the vacuum might also cause the brush roll indicator not to work.
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Simple Steps on What to Do if Your Brush Roll Indicator Is Not Working
Step 1
Check to see whether the vacuum is correctly plugged then check the switch settings. As previously mentioned, the vacuum should have two switch modes, and incorrectly switching on the suction mode alone will cause the brush roll indicator not to show.
Step 2
Check to see if the nozzle is properly attached. If it is loosely attached then the roller brush will be deprived of the power it needs to function and hence the brush roll indicator won’t work as well. Firmly press the nozzle head to get it fully engaged again if it is loose.
Step 3
Check for clogging in the brush roll. Blockage in the brush roll might impair its functioning making the brush roll indicator not work as well.
Step 4
Clear the brush roll of any debris that might be clogging it. Unplug the vacuum before going about removing the debris from the brush roll. Later-day Shark Vacuum models have easily removable brush rolls. Additionally, you can purchase a new brush roll on Amazon if the current one is defective.
Step 5
If your vacuum has passed all the previous steps but the indicator light is still not working, then it probably could be due to overheating. If used continuously for some time it is expected of the vacuum becomes very hot. Unplug it and allow it to cool for about 40 minutes before resuming cleaning.
How Often Should I Change the Brush Roll?
The subject of how often one should change the brush roll is a complex question. This answer depends on factors such as the make, model, and year of the vacuum, where you live, your household’s lifestyle, how many pets you have, and what surface you vacuum. You also need to consider how often it is that you use your vacuum cleaner. If you are vacuuming once a day on hard floors, then every 2-3 months is generally appropriate.
most people don’t know is how often you have to change the brush roll on the vacuum. As a rule of thumb, you should change the brush roll on a regular basis. At least once a month or as needed depending on usage.
Important Points to Note
- If the brush roll driver belt is spoilt this might also cause the brush roll indicator not to work. This belt should be for a lifetime and if indeed it is the problem then contact Shark customer service for help.
- If the brush roll indicator blinks instead of giving out a steady light then it’s just the charge on the battery that is low. Recharging will also produce blinking lights.
Last update on 2025-02-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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FAQ About Shark Vacuum Brush Roll Indicator Problem
What Does the Brush Roll Indicator Light Do?
The brush roll indicator light serves to show whether your brush roll is working or not. It shows either green for working, red for an overheating or jammed vacuum, and blinks for a recharging battery or low battery.
Does the Blinking of the Indicator Light Mean That My Vacuum Is Damaged?
No. As mentioned previously, the indicator blinks whenever the vacuum battery is low or while it is recharging.
How Do I Fix My Defective Brush Roll Indicator?
A defective brush roll indicator might be solved in various ways, some of which we have mentioned here.
Where Is the Brush Bar Reset Button on My Shark Vacuum?
The brush bar reset button is a small, circular knob that has been specifically designed to clean the spinning brush that is in the bottom of the vacuum. This can be accessed by removing the bottom plate from your vacuum and then using a screwdriver to pry up the button.
Why Won’t the Brush Turn On My Shark Vacuum?
The brush on a Shark vacuum is powered by electricity and therefore will not turn on if the power cord is disconnected or damaged. The power cord can also be easily damaged by tangling which will prevent the vacuum from powering on.
Why Is My Shark Navigator Brush Roll Not Working?
The Shark Navigator’s brush roll needs to be cleaned. The dust and hairs from vacuuming get caught in the brush, which causes it to stop spinning. This means the vacuum isn’t able to suck up anything from carpets or hardwood flooring. To fix this problem, remove the brush and use a small screwdriver to clear out any hair or dirt clumps that may be present.
Read Also: How to Remove Roller Brush From Shark Vacuum
Final Thoughts
The simple steps we have mentioned here should help if your brush roll indicator is not working well. If the indicator is still not working even after that then it’s time to contact Shark Vacuum Customer support for help.
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